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Transitioning from hurt

Milton Mallard

Transitioning From Hurt

During the season of giving, people tend to get engulfed in the need to buy the perfect gifts. It’s a time when families focus on coming together to enjoy one another at a more intimate level. The atmosphere of most of our communities’ changes to a softer, loving, caring persona. The rigors of life seem to be placed on paused for a few weeks for the most part. The music changes its tone during this time of the year, and you can hear love in most stores that you walk in to. The excitement of reuniting with loved ones is usually at an all time high. The joy of reminiscing of the good times that was had through the years creates lasting memories.

There are also those who have a slightly different story. These may have lost some one very near to them during this very time of the year and the memories may be a strong reminder of the reoccurring pain that they endure during this otherwise wonderful time. As we celebrate this season, remember those who may be suffering the pain of loss of their loved one. If it’s possible, reach out to them, embrace them, and welcome them into your group during this time. It would help them transition through their season of hurt when they know that someone cares enough to invite them in.

We have 12 months a year in our earthly life cycle and typically, the last two months of our calendar year we take the time to focus on family and reflect on the joys of gathering in fellowship. According to the Word of God, we should let everyday be The Day of Thanksgiving. But remember those who don’t have loved ones around to stop by and see them on a regular basis. It’s during the hard times when life goes back to its busy mode where we must try to visit those who are in the struggle of transitioning from the hurt place. Life doesn’t take a break like we do so remember, if you are in your strong moment, reach out to that person who’s in the struggle and simply call to let them know that you are thinking about them, especially when they come across you mind.

The very best thing that we could do is to earnestly pray that Father God continues to comfort them and love them through their transition period. So, the bottom line is for all of us to pray without ceasing and rejoice ever more. When the mind is healed, the rest of the body lines up. Let us be grateful for this Season of Christmas and what it really means to us and the whole world. Continue to pray for the strength of all of God’s creation, especially those who are hurting. Although we focus on praying for the ones that we see hurting, do not forget the person in the mirror. We gain healing as we pray for others to be healed. As we transition into our new day, be thankful for the expansion and remember to make every day a day of thanksgiving. Even with the expansion, the pain of transition will occur so stay prayerful and humbled. FOR THE LORD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER!

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